Results of 2021 and plans for 2022 🐯

2022-01-10 16:00
The center congratulates everyone on the start of the working week and shares its achievements over the past year and plans for this one. For convenience, we will present our achievements in numbers, dividing them into three areas that are important to us: research, activities and students. At the very end, you will find a brief summary of the Center's plans.


In 2021, the laboratory's research covered the following 5 areas:
  • Financial econometrics
  • Machine learning for economic problems
  • Production potential analysis
  • Network analytics
  • Art analytics

More than 50 foreign scientists were attracted to the Center's activities.

10 articles were published, among which 6 were published in journals of the Q1 level.
Accepted and awaiting publication 3 articles. 10 articles were submitted to the journals.
And received 14 positive reviews of our articles.

The team of our center took part in a total of 29 conferences over the past year.


In 2021, we organized the first annual conference of the Center (1st Inaugural International Conference on Econometrics and Business Analytics (iCEBA)). By clicking on the link, you can see how it was.

The conference was attended by 58 people, of whom 18 were our foreign colleagues! As part of the iCEBA, an open mini-course “Causal Analysis based on Machine Learning with Applications in R” was held by lecturer Martin Huber.

Also in September we conducted a mini-course “Heavy-tail and dependence models and sustainable statistical analysis in finance and economics” from Rustam Ibragimov.

More than 30 open scientific seminars took place, some of which you can watch on our YouTube channel.

🎓 Students:

In 2021, 8 students worked at the Center.
And 27 student papers received scientific guidance or peer review.

The center held 2 open lectures on scientific careers. We recorded one of them, and you can see it here.

Young participants of the Center have submitted 2 of their works to the journals of the Q1 level!

🐯 Our plans for 2022:

After summing up the results, it becomes clear that 2021 turned out to be productive and successful for us, for which we express our gratitude to our entire team, the leadership of the Center and the University, and also thank all foreign colleagues for participating in our events.

This year also promises to be eventful.
  • A new round of recruiting students awaits us (tentatively spring 2022, more precisely to be announced later).
  • 2 open mini-courses are being prepared, one of which will be held very soon, follow the news of the Center!
  • Of course, we continue our weekly Friday seminars (The first seminar of 2022 will be this Friday!).
  • We are waiting for everyone at informal meetings "at the cooler".
  • And in July we will have the second conference iCEBA.
  • We are also planning more publications and articles.

The list will only grow, we remain optimistic this year and wish everyone a productive 2022!
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