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New course from CEBA 📚

2022-01-17 18:00
A new open course from CEBA on machine learning and data analysis in the field of finance and insurance.

Already on January 24th, Pavel Shevchenko, Professor of the Department of Actuarial Studies and Business Analytics Macquarie Business School, the course will start "Machine Learning Methods and Data Analytics in Finance and Insurance".
The course will last from January 24-27, lectures will be held in the morning, tentative time11-12.30.

For whom?
Anyone can attend it, there are no restrictions on attending the course.

In what language?
The language of the course is English, but questions can also be asked in Russian.

The course will take place online on the Zoom platform. Link will be available later.

There will be 2 lectures per day, one on the theory of methods, the second lecture is practical. For the practical part, you will need to install the R studio program.

Course Schedule:
  • Day 1 (2 lectures) Parametric regression methods (GLM, NN, lasso & ridge)

  • Day 2 (2 lectures) Non-parametric regression methods (regression tree, bagging, boosting, random forests)

  • Day 3 (2 lectures) Classification methods (logistic regression, discriminant analysis, decision tree, KNN, SVM)

  • Day 4 (2 lectures) Unsupervised learning (clustering)

More detailed information can be found here.