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On Policy Evaluation with Aggregate Time-Series Shocks

2022-02-11 16:21
Time: February 18th (Friday) 14.00 Moscow time.
Speaker: Dmitry Arkhangelsky (Associate Professor at CEMFI, Madrid)
Title: On Policy Evaluation with Aggregate Time-Series Shocks

Research field
Applied Econometrics, Causal Inference, Policy Evaluation, Panel Data

What problem is your research intended to solve?
"Commonly used (e.g., in macro or development) approach to estimation of policy-relevant effects using aggregate instruments (TSLS with fixed effects) is valid only under quite restrictive conditions. In this work we propose a method which shares the simplicity of the TSLS but remains valid in much more general context."

What have your study found?
"We propose a new algorithm and show its superiority to the currently used benchmark. Our method can be used to estimate policy-relevant effects using aggregate shocks as instruments."

More information, a link to the research and the upcoming seminar here.
It is planned to stream to our YouTube channel and record the seminar.

We are looking forward to seeing you!