Students Courses

🔥Just 2 days before the start of the mini-course by Rustam Ibragimov

2021-09-24 23:00
On Monday, September 27, at 4 pm, the first lectures of the author's course by Rustam Ibragimov will begin. Do not miss!


Lecturer: Ibragimov Rustam Maratovich - professor, Imperial College London, UK; Chief Researcher, Center for Econometrics and Business Analytics, St. Petersburg State University. 


The course is designed for 10 lectures, two lectures per day. It will run from September 27 - October 1, 2021. All lectures start at 16.00. 

For whom?

The mini-course is designed for masters , postgraduates, teachers and all persons interested in econometrics.

Course language


Course link

Meeting ID: 821 5796 6181

Passcode: 730129

Important: you have to log in Zoom using your actual name.

The course schedule and all detailed information are available here.