Saturday 18.12.2021 11:10 - 12:50
High dimensionality, regime shifts and robust inference
Session CO032 Room: Virtual R28
Chair: Artem Prokhorov Organizer: Artem Prokhorov
Using BIC-based forward stepwise instead of Lasso for Neyman-orthogonal estimation
On the expectation and bias of the Gini coefficient under grouping
Change point detection in time series using mixed integer programming
On the compatibility of experts' Lorenz curves with plausible assumptions on unit nonresponse in household surveys
Sunday 19.12.2021 10:25 - 12:30
Structural shocks and their propagation
Session CO038 Room: K2.31 Nash (Hybrid 07)
Chair: Rustam Ibragimov Organizer: Rustam Ibragimov
Do market-based network reflect true exposures between banks?
Credit supply shocks and household defaults
On robust testing for trend
COVID-19: Tail risk and predictive regressions
Time series models for tracking and forecasting epidemics
More info here.