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Special Issue Dependence Modeling (Q1)

In July 2021, the first international conference on econometrics and business analytics iCEBA was held, bringing together experts in the field of finance, informatics and econometrics. Based on its results, a special issue of Dependence Modeling was prepared, which can be found here.

In 2022, at the second iCEBA conference, which will be held offline in Armenia from September 8 to 10, the participants with the best reports also have a chance to be published at one of the special issues of the following journals:
  • Econometric Reviews.
  • Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta).
  • Applied Econometrics (Applied Econometrics).

Note: Dependence Modeling is an Open Access fully peer-reviewed journal aims at providing a medium for exchanging results and ideas in the area of multivariate dependence modeling.